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01. Eden to Calvary (2.35 credits)

This is a foundational study that begins in Genesis and ends with the resurrection of Christ. It covers Genesis and Exodus along with other key Old Testament passages before jumping into the Gospels. Consequently, this course provides a skeletal view of the main theme of the Bible: the gospel of Jesus Christ. The doctrines of God, man, original sin, and salvation are developed through the overview of this historical narrative.


02. Making Disciple-Makers (1.00 credit)

This curriculum takes the student from theory to real-life implementation of the art of disciple-making. In so doing, it begins with the vision and the mission of Christ for the Church Age. It clearly defines the gospel by looking at what the gospel is and what it is not. The three foundational issues of the Great Commission are covered. The course walks through Christ’s approach to disciple making and also through Paul’s version of the same. Finally, it provides a practical strategy for teaching others here and abroad.


03. Romans 1-8 (2.15 credits)

This course consists of a verse-by-verse study of the first eight chapters of Romans including an examination of the doctrines of justification, sanctification, and glorification. Teaching will include a description of the three types of sinners (immoral, moral and religious) and an in-depth explanation of justification and its immediate benefits. The historical implications of justification in the Old Testament will be addressed as well. Teaching on sanctification will include an explanation of a believer’s identification with Christ in His death, burial, and resurrection, as well as a description of successful and futile approaches to sanctification. The course will conclude with a description of future glorification. An appendix will be included that addresses the following topics: What the gospel is and is not; Eternal Security; Five types of people; and What a believer can lose.


04.-05. Introductory Greek


06. Panorama of the Old Testament (2.20 credits)

This course consists of an overview of the entire Old Testament and provides a thorough summary of each book based on its chronological inclusion. The unfolding panorama provides a solid framework for first observing the Old Testament as a whole while also zooming down on key events and individuals that unlock the New Testament. This curriculum will furnish the student with a general outline for each book providing mental markers to aid in maintaining a global understanding of the Old Testament.


07. Galatians (1.60 credits)

This course consists of a verse-by-verse study of the book of Galatians, covering important topics from the apostleship of Paul, justification by faith, sanctification, the dangers of legalism, and the means of walking by the Spirit. Paul was writing to address dangerous false teaching that had infiltrated the Galatian churches: teaching that attacked the gospel of grace for both justification and sanctification. This letter boldly and clearly corrects the falsehood of legalism and proclaims the complete sufficiency of God’s grace for both salvation and sanctification.


08. Colossians (1.90 credits)

This course consists of a verse-by-verse study of the book of Colossians, presenting the fact that Christ is all you need. Epaphras had most likely founded the church at Colossae and Paul wrote to save them from the heresies of philosophy, legalism, mysticism, and asceticism. By presenting Christ as preeminent and supreme over every system, philosophy, or way of life, the believers at Colossae would come to understand the adequacy of Christ in them, the hope of glory.


09. Panorama of the Life of Christ (2.50 credits)

This study begins with the 400 years of silence between the Old and New Testaments before the light dawns with the birth of the Messiah. The study retraces John the Baptist’s ministry and Jesus’ baptism and temptation. As the course unfolds it details the life of Christ, placing particular emphasis on the Sermon on the Mount, the training of the twelve, the opposition faced by Christ, the Passion Week, and culminates with Christ’s death and resurrection. As an addition, the doctrine of the person and work of Christ is taught and accentuated.


10. Master God’s Message (1.40 credits)

This course shows from scripture why it is important to invest time in the study of God’s word. It teaches the basics of hermeneutics and gives definitions for key terms related to Bible study. Students are assigned exercises to teach the skills of observation, interpretation, and application. Finally, they are guided through a hands-on step-by-step process of Bible interpretation, starting with initial Bible study and finishing with a final presentation.


11. Romans 9-16 (1.6 credits)

This course covers the justice of God in His dealings with Israel, past, present, and future. In chapter 9, Paul explains Israel’s past relationship with God and their failures. Chapter 10 deals with Israel’s present state of rebellion. Chapter 11 deals with Israel’s future restoration. Chapters 12 through 16 cover our service to God, our service to society, our service to the weak, our method of service, and Paul’s final words to the church in Rome.


12. Gospel of John (2.73 credits)

This course consists of verse-by-verse study and overview of Jesus Christ’s public and private ministries as depicted in the Gospel of John. Students will encounter a number of doctrinal topics that will be studied and discussed at length. A comparison to the synoptic gospel accounts will be presented when appropriate. By the end of this course, students will have a strong understanding of the unique evangelistic emphasis in John’s account and will be equipped to teach through the book chronologically and thematically.


13. Panorama of the New Testament (3.13 credits)

This course consists of an overview of the book of Acts through Revelation and provides a thorough summary of each New Testament book based on its chronological inclusion. The book of Acts will be studied verse-by-verse, in unison with the epistles that were written chronologically as the narrative of church history unfolds. Each epistle studied also includes key observations and takeaways that enrich the theological understanding of each book. By the end of this course, students will possess a greater understanding of early church history and develop a contextual framework of the panoramic flow of the New Testament.


14. Ephesians (2.35 credits)

This course consists of a verse-by-verse study of the book of Ephesians, stressing the importance of Christian unity in light of the spiritual realities all believers now possess in Christ. The primary theme of the book of Ephesians is the positional and experiential truth of being “in Christ” – and the practical ramifications that has for the church and believers’ personal lives. This theme will be traced throughout the epistle as students study Paul’s examination of positional truth, the mystery of the church, and practical applications in believers’ everyday relationships with others.


17. 1 Corinthians (2.35 credits)

This course consists of a verse-by-verse study of the book of 1 Corinthians. A few years after the establishment of the church at Corinth, the apostle Paul heard troubling reports about the Corinthian congregation: The church was characterized by rampant carnality. The believers in Corinth were full of pride, engaging in petty divisions, pursuing sexual immorality, suing each other in pagan courts, and misunderstanding key Christian doctrines, just to name a few problems. Instead of the church influencing the culture, the culture had invaded the church. No doubt about it, this was a church in conflict. In chapters 1-6, Paul addressed the various problems in the church. In chapters 7-16, he responds to specific questions the congregation had, probably expressed to him via a prior letter or message. In doing so, Paul sought to restore the Corinthian church to the only correct foundation – Jesus Christ.


18. Hebrews (2.83 credits)

This course consists of a verse-by-verse study of the Book of Hebrews, addressing important doctrines pertaining to Christology, soteriology, the Old and New Covenants, sanctification, and faith-living. Throughout the letter, there are five warning passages against apostasy; each will be analyzed and discussed in detail within the context of the book of Hebrews and the rest of the Scriptures. The epistle was written to Jewish believers who were experiencing internal and external crises that contributed to lingering doubts about the sufficiency of Christ in their spiritual lives. The author sought to address these doubts by emphasizing the supremacy of Christ above all else.


19. Evangelism (2.40 credits)

This is a practical hands-on evangelism course. Students will be carefully trained in the presentation of the gospel. They will learn a simple, effective method of evangelism that can be used wherever they go in life. After practicing using this method in class, they will have the opportunity to use it in a non-threatening, real-life situation, with side-by-side mentorship where they will potentially evangelize dozens of people.


20. Titus (0.68 credits)

This course consists of a verse-by-verse study of the book of Titus, covering the diverse topics of church leadership, false teachers, godliness, and the grace of God. Paul had commissioned Titus to the island of Crete to set in order what [remained] and appoint elders in every city. The churches at Crete were in great disarray and confusion due to the twisted culture and lack of local church leadership. Titus had his work cut out for him. This letter provides a practical picture of the challenges local churches face and instruction on how to correct those challenges. In Paul’s letter to Titus, we discover God’s expectation of local churches and how God’s grace is sufficient for every struggle.


21. 1 Timothy (1.35 credits)

This course consists of a verse-by-verse study of 1 Timothy. Within this letter from Paul to Timothy, we find how one ought to conduct himself in the household of God, the church. This is important because the church functions as the pillar and support of truth in this dark and godless world. Analogized to a household, this study provides practical instruction on Christ’s masterpiece. On a practical level, Paul covers topics ranging from false teaching, church discipline, gender-specific duties, leadership qualifications, family relationships, and several other items. 1 Timothy provides a holistic picture of what a biblical church should like and how it should function.


22. Jude (0.55 credits)

This course consists of a verse-by verse study of the book of Jude, covering the topics of false teachers, apostacy, and God’s judgement. Jude focuses on exposing the adversaries while emphasizing God’s love and care over His own. Jude’s initial intention when writing his epistle was to encourage his readers, as a loving shepherd, in their common salvation. However, due to false teachers who were encroaching on his readers, Jude switched gears to combat the apostates and their false teachings.


23. Philemon (0.48 credits)

This course consists of a verse-by-verse study of the book of Philemon, a letter that tracks a beautiful story of how God’s grace leads us to practically forgive others. Paul wrote this letter as an appeal for his new son in the faith, Onesimus. Working within the culture of the day, Paul encouraged a runaway slave Onesimus, who had converted to Christianity through his ministry, to return to his legal master, Philemon. Ironically, Paul had led Philemon to the Lord in prior years. Paul appealed to Philemon on behalf of Onesimus to receive him back, not simply as a slave, but as a brother in the Lord. This story is a practical example of grace living as shown through forgiveness of others who have wronged them. This remains an undying example of how the gospel transforms interpersonal relationships.


24. 1 Peter (1.68 credits)

believers who were scattered from their homeland due to persecution. As aliens in Asia Minor, they were suffering backlash and harassment for their faith. Because of this, Peter writes to encourage them to stand firm in the true grace of God, amidst adversity and suffering for Christ.

Apostle Peter starts the book by grounding his audience in the bedrock of their amazing salvation, serving as a lens through which we must view suffering. Moving on, Peter discusses the topic of submission and how the Christian approaches life as a citizen, an employee, a wife or husband, using Jesus Christ as our ultimate example of submission to unjust suffering. In the final part of the book, Peter dials in on the topic of suffering in general. Peter explains the purpose of suffering, the pattern of suffering and how to prepare for suffering among other topics.


25. Daniel (2.25 credits)

This course consists of a verse-by-verse study of the book of Daniel. Referred to as the key to prophetic revelation, this book functions as a foundational study for understanding eschatology, the study of the last days. From a thematic standpoint, Daniel’s prophecy can be divided into two parts: Chapters 1-6 is the historical record of Daniel’s life. Chapters 7 12 are predictive in nature, revealing events that are destined to soon take place. The entire book, however, contains prophetic dreams and visions scattered within, some of which were fulfilled in Daniel’s lifetime and some of which will be fulfilled in the future. The book of Daniel is unique since the events of Daniels lifetime are interspersed among the many prophecies he received. Within the pages of this prophecy, we learn about the times of the gentiles, God’s plan for Israel and the nations, how to live as a Christian in a hostile environment, and God’s ultimate plan for human history, from the time of Daniel to the end of the age.


26. Revelation (3.68 credits)

This course consists of a verse-by-verse study of the entire book of Revelation. Apostle John received a dynamic vision on the Island of Patmos and was tasked with writing down everything he saw, revealing the things which must soon take place. This 22-chapter book can be divided into three parts. Chapter 1 consists of a vision of the glorified and resurrected Lord Jesus Christ. Chapters 2 and 3 consist of seven letters from Christ to real churches that existed in Asia Minor at that time. Chapters 4-22 consists of the futuristic portion of the book, granting the reader in-depth details about how God will ultimately judge this world and restore all things to Himself. The book of Revelation covers diverse topics such as the future of the church, the seal, trumpet, and bowl judgements, the events of the tribulation, the culmination of the war between God and Satan, the flight of Israel, the anti-Christ and false prophet, the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ, Babylon, Armageddon, the new heavens and new earth, and much more. Revelation builds upon the foundation of Daniel, serving as the capstone for finalizing an accurate eschatological framework.


27. Homiletics (2.13 credits)

This curriculum teaches the art of conveying truth to others. At the start of the course, instructors will present various methods of lesson preparation. Students will put this information to good use, as they will periodically be assigned a section from the DM2 curriculum to present. They will be critiqued by fellow students and teachers on whether or not they stuck to and covered the material they were assigned within the time allotted; on whether they communicated systematically, clearly and accurately; and on their ability to keep the audience’s attention.


28. Ministry Practicum (4.28 credits)

Ministry practicum is a real-life ministry event in which students put into practice what they learned during their studies at 3DTC. Students will travel as a team to teach youth Bible conferences in three different churches over a period of three weeks. During this time they will gain experience in carefully presenting the word of God, in mentoring other youth, and in getting along with each other as a team.



Physical Location

2932 United States HWY 96 S

Silsbee, Texas 77656

Mailing Address

PO Box 7758

Beaumont, TX  77726

Call us

T: 409-373-6535

3D Training Center

A ministry of DM2 (DM Multiplied Inc)

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